About Rev. Dr. Sebastian Valiyaparambil

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So far Rev. Dr. Sebastian Valiyaparambil has created 160 blog entries.

Parish Bulletin


Weekly Bulletin March 26, Wednesday 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Office of the deceased, Memorial Qurbana for Joseph Neyyan, (Husband, Molsy Thekkenath), Novena to St. Joseph March 28, Friday | Way of The Cross | Youth Retreat 11.00 am: Funeral Service, Holy Qurbana: Elemma Jose Pachikara , followed by burial service at Mission Hills Cemetery (Viewing 9-11 am) 07:00 pm: Holy Qurbana 07:45 pm: Way of the Cross (Led [...]

Parish Bulletin2025-03-24T21:31:33-07:00

Parish Bulletin


Weekly Bulletin March 19, Wednesday 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Novena to St. Joseph March 21, Friday | Way of The Cross 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Office of the deceased, Memorial Qurbana for Thresiamma Mathew Manikulam, (Mother of Sony Mathew) First Anniversary. 08:15 pm: Way of the Cross (Led by St. Paul Unit) March 22, Saturday 08:30 am: Holy Qurbana, Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help, Confession. 06:30 pm: [...]

Parish Bulletin2025-03-18T17:56:43-07:00

Parish Bulletin


Weekly Bulletin March 12, Wednesday 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Novena to St. Joseph March 14, Friday | Parish Retreat Day I 06:00 pm: Rosary 06:30 pm: Way of the Cross 07:00 pm: Holy Qurbana, Office of the deceased, Memorial Qurbana for Emily Kochappan (Mother of Seby Pereppadan), and for Kathreena Thomas (Mother of Mary Prothasis) 07:45 pm: Talk, Benediction, Agape March 15, Saturday | Parish Retreat Day II [...]

Parish Bulletin2025-03-11T09:40:43-07:00

Contact Info

St. Alphonsa Syro-Malabar Church Los Angeles
215 N Macneil St, San Fernando, CA 91340, United States

Phone: 1.818.365.5522

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