About Rev. Dr. Sebastian Valiyaparambil

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So far Rev. Dr. Sebastian Valiyaparambil has created 154 blog entries.

Parish Bulletin


Weekly Bulletin March 13 | Wednesday  07:00 pm: Rosa Mystica Prayer 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Novena to St. Joseph March 15 | Friday 07:00 pm: Silent Adoration | Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana & Way of the Cross (St. Thomas Unit) March 16 | Saturday 11:00 am: Holy Qurbana, Novena to Mother Mary of Perpetual Help. March 17| Sunday | Sixth Sunday of Lent | Feast of [...]

Parish Bulletin2024-03-13T00:05:49-07:00

Parish Bulletin


Weekly Bulletin March 6 | Wednesday  07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Novena to St. Joseph March 8 | Friday 06:00 pm: Rosary 06:30 pm: Retreat Talk 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana & Way of the Cross, (Memorial Qurbana for Emily Kochappan (Mother of Seby Kochappan), Kathreena Thomas Mudavankunnel (Mother of Mary Prothasis). March 9 | Saturday 09:00 am: Retreat for Kids 09:00 am: Rosary 09:30 am: Talk, Retreat Continues 12:00 pm – [...]

Parish Bulletin2024-03-07T07:41:08-08:00

Lent is not the end!


In the tales of the Desert Fathers, there's a story about Abbot John the Dwarf. He asked God to free him from all his strong feelings, and God granted his request, leaving him without emotions. When he told one of the elders about this, expecting praise, the elder surprised him by saying, "Ask God to bring back your struggles. Our souls grow stronger when faced with challenges." So, Abbot John [...]

Lent is not the end!2024-02-29T19:57:09-08:00

Contact Info

St. Alphonsa Syro-Malabar Church Los Angeles
215 N Macneil St, San Fernando, CA 91340, United States

Phone: 1.818.365.5522

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