About Rev. Dr. Sebastian Valiyaparambil

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So far Rev. Dr. Sebastian Valiyaparambil has created 157 blog entries.

Parish Bulletin


Weekly Bulletin April 3 | Wednesday 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Novena to St. Joseph, Office of the deceased, Memorial Qurbana for Kanichayi Itoop Thomas (Father of Anu Joe Chakalackal)April 5 | Friday 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Novena of St. Alphonsa08:15 pm: Adoration08:20 pm: Youth Adoration (Chapel)April 6 | Saturday11:00 am: Holy Qurbana, Office of the Deceased, Novena to Mother Mary of Perpetual Help, Memorial Qurbana for Rosa and Iype Kappyarumalayil (Parents [...]

Parish Bulletin2024-04-02T17:50:23-07:00

Parish Bulletin


Weekly Bulletin March 27 | Wednesday  07:00pm: Confession 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, , Office of the deceased, Memorial Qurbana for Joseph Neyyan ( Husband of Molsy) March 28 | Holy Thursday  07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana , Institution of Eucharist, Washing of the feet. Qurbana Readings: Ex 12:1-20 Israel observes the Passover Mal 1:10-14 Offer in every place a pure offering to my name . 1 Cor 11:23-29 Remembrance of the Lord’s Supper [...]

Parish Bulletin2024-03-27T08:10:55-07:00

Parish Bulletin


Weekly Bulletin March 20 | Wednesday  07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Novena to St. Joseph March 22| Friday | Youth Retreat 07:00 pm: Silent Adoration | Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana & Way of the Cross (St. Paul Unit) March 23 | Saturday 10:00 am: Holy Qurbana, Novena to Mother Mary of Perpetual Help. March 24| Sunday | Palm Sunday 10:15 am: Blessing of Palm Leaves, Procession, Holy [...]

Parish Bulletin2024-03-19T17:29:23-07:00

Contact Info

St. Alphonsa Syro-Malabar Church Los Angeles
215 N Macneil St, San Fernando, CA 91340, United States

Phone: 1.818.365.5522

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