How would you feel if Jesus called you to be his follower? St. Andrew was one of the first to be called by Jesus to be His apostle, along with his brother Simon Peter, when they were out fishing. We commemorate St. Andrew’s feast on November 30th. He showed great trust and faith in Jesus.
When Jesus said, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men,” (Matthew 4:19); Andrew and the others immediately followed Him. St. Andrew also played a role when feeding the five-thousand. It was St Andrew who brought the little boy with the five loaves and two fish to Jesus. After Jesus had ascended into heaven, St. Andrew had evangelized Asia Minor, parts of the Black Sea, and Volga. Today, he is known as the patron saint of Scotland, Russia, Ukraine, and Romania. He is also a patron of fishermen and singers.
“Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men”
In the year 60 AD, after preaching the Good News throughout Achaea and Patras, he was martyred there and crucified on a diagonal cross (crux decussata). In the Golden Legend it is mentioned that he said the following words before he had died on the cross: “Cross, sanctified by the body of Christ. Good Cross, long desired always, I loved you and wished to embrace you. Welcome me and bring me to my master.” Let us carry our crosses, be good disciples of God, and without any hesitation run to God and follow Him.
Cross, sanctified by the body of Christ. Good Cross, long desired always, I loved you and wished to embrace you. Welcome me and bring me to my master.