Weekly Bulletin
March 22, Wednesday
- 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Novena to St. Joseph
March 24, Friday | Retreat Day I
- 06:30 pm: Way of the Cross
- 07:00 pm: Holy Qurbana
- 08:15 pm: Retreat Talk
- 09:15 pm: Dinner
March 25, Saturday | Retreat Day II
- 09:00 am: Breakfast
- 09:30 am: Rosary
- 10:00 am: Talk
(Please see the detailed Timetable Below)
March 26, Sunday | Season of Lent VI | Retreat Day III
- 09:00 am: Breakfast
- 09:20 am: Rosary
- 09:45 am: Holy Qurbana
- Qurbana Readings: Gen 19:15-26 (19:1-7,9-26) Punishment of Sodom-Gomora.
Josh 21:43-22:5 (21:43-22:9) The Lord gave all the land to Israel.
Rom 14:13-23 Do not be a scandal to your brother.
Jn 10:11-18 (9:39-10:21) Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
Bakersfield: 04:30 pm Holy Qurbana
Lenten Retreat, March 24-26 | A Journey to the Eucharist | Preacher – Fr. Paul Vadakummury CMI
March 24, Friday
- 06:30 pm: Way of the Cross
- 07:00 pm: Holy Qurbana
- 08:15 pm: Talk
- 09:00 pm: Dinner
March 25, Saturday
- 09:00 am: Breakfast
- 09:30 am: Rosary
- 10:00 am: Talk 1
- 11:00 am: Tea Break
- 11:30 am: Talk 2
- 12:30 pm: Lunch
- 01:30 pm: Adoration / Confession
- 02:30 pm: Tea Break
- 02:40 pm: Talk 3
- 03:45 pm: Holy Qurbana
March 26, Sunday
- 09:00 am: Breakfast
- 09:25 am: Rosary
- 09:45 am: Holy Qurbana
- 11:00 am: Tea Break
- 11:30 am: Talk 1
- 12:30 pm: Lunch
- 01:30 pm: Talk 2
- 02:15 pm: Break
- 02:30 pm: Talk 3
- 02:15 pm: Tea Break
- 03:45 pm: Adoration
Let us remember:
- Fridays – Way of the Cross
- March 24 – 26: Parish Lenten Retreat (Preacher Fr. Paul Vadakkummury CMI, Marian Vachanatheeram Retreat Center Kumarakam)
- March 25-26: Middle and elementary school retreat
- Bible activities for children- Dates and details are posted in the notice board
- L’ALPHA competitions – Please see the website for details.
- April 23: 09:30 am to 03:30 pm: St Vincent de Paul & American Redcross Blood Donation Drive.
Requesting youth volunteers to help with set up and sign up. Volunteer hours will be provided!! If interested contact Joshi Vettom - LFML & Angels Army meeting every 4th Sunday of the Month
- Reading circle every Sunday at 12 Noon
- Intercessory Prayers & Adoration, Every Sunday at 09.45 am (Chapel)