Weekly Bulletin
August 30 | Wednesday
- 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana,Novena to St. Joseph
September 1 | First Friday
- 07:00 pm: Rosary, Confession
- 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Novena to Mother Mary
- 08:15 pm: Adoration
September 2 | Saturday
- 10:00 am: Holy Qurbana, , Novena to Mother Mary of Perpetual Help, Rosary
September 3 | Sunday | Seasons of Kaitha and Elijah – Cross – Moses I
- 09.45 am: Holy Qurbana (English)
- 09.45 am: Adoration, Rosary (Chapel)
- 10.45 am: CCD Classes
- 10.45 am: Holy Qurbana (Malayalam), Novena to Mother Mary
- 12.15 pm: Onam Lunch
- Qurbana Readings:1. Deut 6:20-25 (6:20-7:6) Lord is the redeemer.
2. Isa 31:4-9 (31:1-9) Jerusalem comes back to the Lord.
3. 2 Thess 1:3-10 (1:1-10) Steadfastness and faith in all persecutions and afflictions.
4. Lk 18:35-43 (18:35-19:10) From the darkness to the light who is Christ.
St. Chavara Mission Bakersfield – September 3 No Holy Qurbana
September 4 | Monday
- 07:00 pm: Rosary
- 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Novena to Mother Mary
September 5 | Tuesday | St. Theresa of Calcutta
- 07:00 pm: Rosary
- 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Novena to Mother Mary
Let us remember:
- September 1-8: Preparation for the Feast of the Nativity of Mother Mary: Qurbana, Novena, Rosary, (at 07:30 pm except on Saturday& Sunday)
- September 3: Parish Onam Celebrations
- September 8: Nativity of Our Lady
- September 10: Feast of Mother Teresa of Calcutta
- LFML & Angels Army meeting every 4th Sunday of the Month.
- Reading circle every Sunday at 12 Noon
Season of Elijah – Cross – Moses
This season points to the second coming of our Lord and the ultimate success of the cross. The central point of this period is the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross celebrated on 14th September. The early Church believed that Elijah would come before the second coming of Jesus Christ (Malachi 4:5). The fact that at the moment of the transfiguration of our Lord, Elijah was present with Him strengthened this belief. The transfiguration of Jesus is a symbol of His second coming.
The presence of Moses at the scene of transfiguration may have been the reason why this name is added to the Period of Elijah-Cross–Moses. The main themes during this period are the end of the world, death, and the last judgment. It exhorts us to be always alert against the temptations of the devil and to eradicate sin from our lives. The early Church believed that the sign that would appear in the sky before the second coming of Christ would be the Cross.
Hence, we especially remember and celebrate the power and glory of the Cross in this season. In addition, we come across references to Emperor Constantine’s vision of the cross and the finding of the cross by his mother Helena, in the prayers and hymns of this season. Just as Moses extended his staff over the Red Sea and showed the path to Israel across the sea, Jesus saved humanity revealing the way to paradise through the cross. Referring to the tree of life in paradise and the bronze serpent raised by Moses in the desert, this season reminds us of the glory promised to us through the cross. Here we have a foretaste of the heavenly Church to come.