A Tale of Talents

A Tale of Talents

Weekly Bulletin

The season of Lent: sets itself apart, inviting us to navigate the path of the Via Dolorosa, where each step echoes the footprints of our Savior. Lent unfolds to us as a sacred narrative, drawing our hearts closer to the profound mystery of Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection. More than a mere liturgical obligation let us make a pilgrimage, a sacred sojourn that beckons us to journey intentionally to the paschal mysteries of Christ.
Let us recall the timeless wisdom of St. John Chrysostom, who said, “The true fast is the fast of the heart.”. Wish you all a blessed Lent

“The true fast is the fast of the heart”

February 7 | Wednesday 

  • 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Novena to St. Joseph

February 9 | Friday | Commemoration of the Deceased

  • 07:00 pm: Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)
  • 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Office for the deceased, Novena of St. Alphonsa
  • 08:30pm: Parish Council Meeting (2024)

February 10 | Saturday | Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes (World Day of the Sick)

  • 10:00 am: Holy Qurbana, , Novena to Mother Mary of Perpetual Help. Celebration of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.
  • 06:00 pm: St. Paul Family Unit Meeting.

February 11 | Sunday | First Sunday of Lent

    • 09:45 am: Holy Qurbana (English)
    • 09.40 am: Adoration, Intercessory Prayers (Chapel)
    • 10.45 am: CCD Classes
    • 10:45 am: Holy Qurbana (Malayalam)
    • Parish Council meeting (2022-23)
    • Qurbana Readings:
      1) Ex 24:12-18 Moses was on Mount Sinai for forty days.
      2) Sir 2:1-11 Trust in the Lord and face temptations.
      3) Heb 2:10-18 One who is able to help those who are tempted.
      4) Lk 4:1-13 Jesus’ forty days fast.

St. Chavara Mission Bakersfield: 04:30 pm Holy Qurbana

February 12 | Monday| Ash Monday (Day of Fasting)

  • 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana,Lent begins, Blessing of Ashes.

Let us remember:

  • February 9: Commemoration of the Dead.
  • February 9: 08:30 pm Parish Council (2024).
  • February 10: Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Day of the Sick, Sacrament of Anointing.
  • February 10: St. Paul Family Unit meeting.
  • February 11: Lent begins.
  • February 11: Parish Council (2022-23).
  • February 12: Ash Monday.
  • February 13: Rosa Mystica Prayer (7.30 pm via Zoom)
  • February 16: Friday, Way of the Cross
  • February 18: Parish General Body Meeting.
  • February 23: 08:30 pm, Combined meeting of Parish Council & Central Committee. (2024).
  • Annual Lenten Retreat, March 8-10, Youth Retreat March 22-24.
  • Intercessory Prayers and adoration every Sunday in Chapel (9.45-10.40 am)
  • Youth Adoration: Every first Friday of the Month at 8.15 PM (chapel)
  • LFML & Angels Army meeting every 4th Sunday of the Month
  • Reading circle every Sunday at 12 Noon
  • Malayalam Class every Sunday – Online
  • Online talk on Eucharist every first Saturday of the Month (diocesan initiative).
  1. Message of Lent 2024 Pope Francis: Lent is a time of conversion and freedom.
  2. Message of His Holiness Pope Francis XXXII World Day of the Sick

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