Weekly Bulletin

March 13 | Wednesday
- 07:00 pm: Rosa Mystica Prayer
- 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Novena to St. Joseph
March 15 | Friday
- 07:00 pm: Silent Adoration | Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)
- 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana & Way of the Cross (St. Thomas Unit)
March 16 | Saturday
- 11:00 am: Holy Qurbana, Novena to Mother Mary of Perpetual Help.
March 17| Sunday | Sixth Sunday of Lent | Feast of St. Joseph Celebrated
- 09.40 am: Adoration, Intercessory Prayers (Chapel)
- 09:45 am: Holy Qurbana (English)
- 10.45 am: CCD Classes
- 10:45 am: Holy Qurbana (Malayalam) ), Ladeenju, Parish Council meeting
- CCD Storytelling Competition
- Qurbana Readings:
- Is 41:8-16 Jacob, I have chosen you
- Acts 19: 11-20 (19: 8-20) God did extraordinary miracles through Paul.
- 2 Cor 10:3-11 (10: 3-18) The spiritual weapons with divine power.
- Mt 1:18-25 Joseph, the Just
St. Chavara Mission Bakersfield: No Holy Qurbana
Holy Week Celebrations – Schedule (March 24 – 31, 2024)
March 24 | Palm Sunday
- 10:15 am: : Blessing of Palm Leaves, Procession, Holy Qurbana
March 28 | Holy Thursday
- 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Institution of Eucharist, Washing of the feet
March 29 | Good Friday
- 04:00 pm: Adoration
- 05:00 pm: Good Friday Ceremonies, Way of the Cross, Veneration of the Cross
March 30| Saturday (Easter Vigil)
- 08:00 pm: Easter Vigil Ceremonies, Agape
March 31| Sunday
- No Holy Qurbana
Let us remember:
- On Fridays of the Lent: Silent Adoration from 07:00 – 07.30 pm.
- March 13: 07:00 pm Rosa Mystica Prayer.
- March 22-24 Youth Retreat
- March 17:Parish Council Meeting.
- March 17:Feast of St. Joseph Celebrated.
- March 17: CCD Storytelling Competition.(see details on the notice board).
- New Altar servers practice – Every Sunday
- Intercessory Prayers and adoration every Sunday in Chapel (9.45-10.40 am)
- Youth Adoration: Every first Friday of the Month at 8.15 PM (chapel)
- LFML & Angels Army meeting every 4th Sunday of the Month
- Reading circle every Sunday at 12 Noon
- Malayalam Class every Sunday – Online
- Online talk on Eucharist every first Saturday of the Month (diocesan initiative).
- Message of Lent 2024 Pope Francis: Lent is a time of conversion and freedom.
https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2024-02/pope-francis-lent-is-a-time-of-conversion-and-freedom.html - Message of His Holiness Pope Francis XXXII World Day of the Sick