A Tale of Talents

A Tale of Talents

Weekly Bulletin

September 4 | Wednesday

  • 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana , Novena to Mother Mary
  • 08.15 pm: Rosary – Day 6, St. Sebastian Unit

September 5 | Thursday | Feast of St. Mother Theresa

  • 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana , Novena to Mother Mary
  • 08.15 pm: Rosary – Day 7, St. Mother Theresa Unit

September 6 | First Friday

  • 07:00 pm: Sacrament of Reconciliation
  • 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Novena to Mother Mary
  • 08:15 pm: Adoration & Rosary – Day 8, St. Mariam Thresia Unit

September 7 | Saturday

  • 10:00 am: Holy Qurbana Novena to Mother Mary
  • 10:40 am: Rosary, Day 9 – Grand Parents

September 8| Sunday | Season of Elijah-Cross-Moses III | Feast of the Nativity of our lady & Feast of St. Mary’s and Mother Theresa Unit

  • 09:45 am: CCD Classs
  • 10:45 am: Holy Qurbana (Bilingual), Ladeenju
  • 12.10 am: Rosary, Day 10 – St. Mary’s Unit, Agape
  • Qurbana Readings:
    1. Gen 17:15-22 (17:1-27) She shall become the mother of nations
    2. Isa 43:1-7 (42:18-43:13) Return of Israel
    3. Rev 12:1-6 Woman clothed with the sun
    4. Mt 1:1-16 Genealogy of Jesus

St. Chavara Mission Bakersfield: 04:30 pm Holy Qurbana

Let us remember:

  • September 7: Family Unit Meeting – Mariam Thresia
  • September 8: Nativity of Our Lady
  • September 13: Rosa Mystica Prayer (07:00 pm)
  • September 15: Combined meeting of PC & Central Committee
L’ALPHA Reading!

By Somy Puthanapra

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