Weekly Bulletin

March 05 | Wednesday
- 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Novena to St. Joseph.
March 07 | First Friday| Way of The Cross
- 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Way of the Cross, Adoration.
March 08 | Saturday
- 08:30 am: Holy Qurbana, Office of the deceased, Memorial Qurbana for N.C Cheriyan Nellickal (Father of Lissy Cherian), Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
March 09 | Sunday | Season of LENT II
- 09:40 am: Adoration (Chapel)
- 09:45 am: Holy Qurbana (English)
- 10:45 am: CCD Classes
- 10:45 am: Holy Qurbana (Malayalam)
- Qurbana Readings:
- Gen 5:19-31 Persons who lived with God.
- Josh 4:15-24 Passing through the river of Jordan to the land of salvation.
- Rom 6:15-23 We are not under law but under grace.
- Mt 7:21-27 The true disciple.
St. Chavara Mission Bakersfield: 04:30 pm Holy Qurbana
Let us remember:
- March 7: First Friday, Way of the Cross (St. Chavara Unit)
- March 8: St. Chavara Unit Meeting
- March 14-16: Lenten Retreat: 2025 (Fr. Saju Elanjiyil MST, Sehion, Attappady)
- March 15-16: Middle School, Elementary Retreat.
- March 28-30: Youth Retreat 2025 (High School & College) Rev. Dr. Roy Pereira Sj (LMU)
- Intercessory Prayers and adoration every Sunday in Chapel (09:45-10:45 am)
- Malayalam Class every Sunday (03:30 pm Online)
- LFML & Angels Army meeting every 4th Sunday of the Month
- Reading circle every Sunday at 12 Noon
L’ALPHA Reading!
Rays of Hope
By Dr. Sebastian Valiyaparambil
Chief Editor