Weekly Bulletin
As we are entering the Holy Week, let us reflect on the paschal mysteries of Jesus, the death, burial, and resurrection. Carrying the palm leaves takes us to the spirit the entrance of this holy week’s reflections. The cry of the people, Hosana, (save us Lord), be our cry too to be saved from our sins. It was the cry for the liberation of mankind from their sins. Let us journey to the foot of the cross on the Calvary to join the Lord carrying our crosses to be resurrected with him.
April 06 Wednesday:
- 7:00 PM: Confession
- 7:30 PM: Holy Qurbana, Office of the Dead, Novena to St. Joseph
April 08 Friday:
- 7:00 PM: Adoration
- 7:30 PM: Holy Qurbana
- 8:15 PM: Way of the Cross
April 09 Saturday:
- 10:00 AM: Holy Qurbana
- Office of the dead, Novena to Mother Mary of Perpetual Help, Memorial Mass for Joseph Neyyan, (H/o Molsy Thekkanath, 10th Anniversary)
April 10 Sunday: Palms Sunday (Hosana) Season of Lent VII
- 10:15 AM: Holy Qurbana, Palm Sunday Celebrations
- Qurbana Readings: Ex 15:1-3,11-15, 20-21; Is 62:10-12, 63:1-4; Gal 4:12-20; Jn 20:1-10
- 04:30 PM: Bakersfield Holy Qurbana
- April 09: CCD Field Trip for High School students and above
- April 10: Holy Week Scripture Reading begins
- April 15: E-Journal (L’Alpha) – Date of submission for May
- April 24: Vestition of new altar servers
- April 30: Parish Nurses Ministry Inauguration
Let us continue to strictly follow COVID-19 guidelines – Please wear a mask at all times.
May the Good Lord Bless and Protect All of You.
Fr. Sebastian Valiyaparampil