Weekly Bulletin
January 3 | Wednesday | St. Kuriakose Elias
- 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Novena to St. Joseph
January 5 | Friday | Pindikuthi Thirunal (Denha Celebrated)
- The Divine Motherhood of Mary
- 07:00 pm: Confession
- 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Denha prayers, Procession, Celebration of Light.
January 6 | Saturday
- Important feast day and a day of obligation.
- 10:00 am: Solemn Holy Qurbana
- Qurbana Readings:
1) Joel 2:28-32 God shows wonders in the heavens and on the earth.
2) 2 Tim 1:6-10 Grace has been revealed.
3) Mk 1:1-11 Baptism of Jesus.
January 7 | Sunday | First Sunday of Denha
- Feast of St. Chavara Family Unit Celebrated
- 09.45 am: Holy Qurbana (English)
- 09.45 am: Adoration, Intercessory Prayers (Chapel)
- 10.45 am: CCD Classes
- 10:45 am: Holy Qurbana (Malayalam)
- Qurbana Readings:
1) Ex 33:18-23 The glory of the Lord will be revealed.
2) Zeph 3:14-20 The Lord is in your midst.
3) 2 Pet 1:16-21 Witnesses to glory.
4) Jn 1:45-51 The disciples will witness the glory. - St. Chavara Mission Bakersfield: NO Holy Qurbana
Let us remember:
- January 5, Friday: Pindikuthi Thirunal (Denha celebrated)
- January 6, 10 .00 AM: Solemn Holy Qurbana, Feast of Denha
- January 6, Afternoon Youth Hiking
- January 14: CCD Exam (9:30 am)
- January 14: 25th Wedding Anniversary, Thanksgiving Qurbana.
- January 14: Oath taking ceremony of New Parish Council
- No First Friday Adoration on 5th January.
- Intercessory Prayers and adoration every Sunday in Chapel (9.45-10.45 am)
- Youth Adoration: Every first Friday of the Month at 8.15 PM (chapel)
- LFML & Angels Army meeting every 4th Sunday of the Month
- Reading circle every Sunday at 12 Noon
- Malayalam Class every Sunday – Online
- Online talk on Eucharist every first Saturday of the Month (diocesan initiative).