Weekly Bulletin
April 5, Wednesday
- 07:00 pm: Confessions
- 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Novena to St. Joseph.
April 6 | Maundy Thursday
- 07:30 pm: Holy Qurbana, Institution of Eucharist, Washing of the feet
- Qurbana Readings: Ex 12:1-20 The first Passover is instituted,
Mal 1:10-14 Make a pure offering.1Cor 11:23-29 Lord’s Supper, Jn 13:1-14+ Mt 26:26-30 Washing of the feet and Institution of Holy Qurbana.
April 7 | Good Friday
- 04:00 pm: Adoration
- 05:00 pm: Good Friday Ceremonies, Way of the Cross
- Qurbana Readings: Gen 22:1-19 Sacrifice of Abraham.Isa 52:13-53:9 Suffering servant of God.
Rom 5:6-16 Christ died for the sinners., Part I Lk 22:63-23:12 + Mt 27:19 + Lk 23:13-23 + Mt 27:24-25
+ Lk 23:24-45+ Mt 27:51-54+Jn 19:23-30 Passion of Christ., Part II Jn 19:31-42.
April 8 | Saturday (Easter Vigil)
- 08:00 pm: Easter Vigil Ceremonies , Agape
- Qurbana Readings: Isa 60:1-7 The glory of God in Jerusalem. 1 Sam 2:1-10 Rejoice in Christ.
Rom 6:1-14 (5:20-6:23) Dying and rising with Christ. Mt 28:1-6 Resurrection of Christ.
Bakersfield: April 9, 11:00 am : Holy Qurbana, Agape
Let us remember:
- April 9: No CCD classes
- April 16: New Sunday (Puthu Njayar), Divine Mercy Sunday
- April 23: 09:30 am to 03:30 pm: St Vincent de Paul & American Redcross Blood Donation Drive.
Requesting youth volunteers to help with set up and sign up. Volunteer hours will be provided!! If interested contact Joshi Vettom - Intercessory Prayers & Adoration, Every Sunday at 09.45 am (Chapel)
- Malayalam Class in-person on every Sunday after Malayalam Qurbana
- LFML & Angels Army meeting every 4th Sunday of the Month
- Reading circle every Sunday at 12 Noon