Rise to His Call Chief Editor & Sub Editors Dear fellow parishioners Pope Francis has inspired all our young people to rise and listen to His call and His love. He says, “We can no longer assume that everyone knows Jesus, even in the age of the internet. The question that many people are asking of Jesus and His Church is precisely this: ‘Who are you?’ How many times have we heard it said, ‘Jesus yes, the Church no!’ as if one could be an alternative to the other. One cannot know Jesus if one does not know the [...]
Empty Tomb and Ray of Hope Chief Editor's Desk Cardinal Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan was born In central Vietnam in a place called Phu on April 17, 1928. He endured a lot of suffering during the communist regime in Vietnam. While he was about to take leadership as the Archbishop of Saigon on August 15, 1975, he was arrested and held without ever being tried or sentenced, and was imprisoned for more than 13 years, nine of which were spent in solitary confinement. On February 21, 2001, he was elevated to the College of Cardinals by the [...]
Editorial Chief Editor & Sub Editors Every moment is a call to a new beginning. In order to discern the call, it is imperative that one becomes wise. The addition of years to chronological age doesn’t necessarily make one wise; wisdom is the gift of God! The Psalmist knew it, and thus prayed: “ Lord, teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12). The Season of Lent is a call to know the Word of God and walk in His path. Meditation of the Word of God will shed light [...]